Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mother's out there, especially my lovely Daughter. Tom surprised me with these beautiful flowers. Was I shocked as I cannot remember the last time he actually bought flower for me. He also asked what I would like to eat that day, as we all know he is a great cook as well. All of you know me, steak and lobster. So off to the store we went to buy lobster tails and steak. Will have to take more pics. of that event to post. Just wanted all to see my beautiful flowers that my sweet husband bought for me, and to wish all a very Happy Mother's Day!!!

Nature"s Beauty

One of the most amazing features about living at the Lake is Nature's beautiful flowers she gives us. In this case we have these amazing cactus growing in our back yard. At night they close their blooms, but when the sun rises, they open up to show these beautiful flowers. Many of the humming birds are attracted to their sweet nectar as well as some bees.

Tom and I enjoy sitting on our deck and watching nature at her finest, sharing these beautiful flowers with us. So many beautiful sites to see here, which Pasadena never gave us. We are truly lucky to live in such a beautiful, peaceful and serene place.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Addition to American Trends

Most of you know that on Thursdays, I work at my hair dressers, which is senior day. One of the stylist there, and one of my dearest friends has been expecting her first baby. She has had numerous showers and the customers have been very generous with gifts. We even had a pot going as to what day Terri would deliver. I missed the pot by one day, darn it. The customer that did win though gave all the money back to Terri, which I thought was very nice. If I had won and the rest of the crew agreed that we would have given the pot to Terri as well. On Fri.,
April 23, Terri gave birth to a 7lb 13oz baby boy. I present to you Tristan Christopher Molina!!!! He is quite a doll. I feel like another Grandma to him. I finally got to see him and held him when Terri returned home from the hospital. Congratulations Terri and John, you did good!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dad's New Toy

After five years of serving us faithfully, our old BBQ pit died. Dad tried to revive it, but was not having too much luck. After visiting 15 stores, it felt like, to compare prices, he found this big bad boy!!! After talking him into buying it, we finally brought it home. Sunday comes and he still has not attempted to put it together. An hour before we were to start the bake potatoes, he decides now is the time to start putting it together. As he put it, it would only take him an hour.
Well I went to bed at 10 p. m. and the darn thing still was not together. Nor was it put together on Monday until 2 p.m.
Thank God we had a back up grill to use.

I give you Dad's new toy finally assembled. Now he needs to learn how to use the thing.
It is suppose to have infared heat, stainles steel ,a searing side and a burner for pots and pans on the other side. Know we will make good use of it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Party At The Lake

This past week-end we were joined by two of our favorite friends, Carolyn and Dennis. Dennis and Tom car pooled together for years until we all retired. They live in Kerrville and built a beautiful home there. Kathy and Randy joined us for a night of fun, hot tub, and drinking. What a blast us ole farts had.

Randy is the new guy in Kathy's life. He is a heck of a nice guy, whom we like very much. Hope we get to spend allot more fun times together.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Driver, Move That Bus

While staying at our good friends , Tonia and Billy, in Texas City, this past week-end, we were amazed to discover that Extreme Makeover had come to Keema to help a family from Ike. We watched the episode on T.V. and then set out to find the house. As you can see, we did. It is an amazing beautiful house. The family that lost their house during hurricane Ike had adopted several children with special needs. The entire family consisted of 15 people, including their biological children. After Ike, this family lived in a small travel trailer as they were destitute, all the while taking care of one child on a vent, one child with a feeding tube,and one child that was blind. I was extremely touched by Extreme Makeover to come in and help this family

In It To End It

This past week-end I watched many women, men and one courageous daughter and her team walk 39 miles to end breast cancer. As you can see she walked for our family who has lost their lives, not only to breast cancer, but colon cancer as well.

One proud Mom pinning her sign on her back for the world to see.

Tears of joy trickled down my face as I watched her sign the huge tower. We had to be at the starting line at 6a.m., which meant getting up at 4 a.m. It was all worth it as I watched not only her team, but all the teams warming up for the walk and cheering each other on.

She did it!! Hobbling across the finish line at 2 p.m. on Sun., she had completed the walk. On Sat. they braved puring down rain for half of the walk and chilling temps,as they walked 26 miles.

Her poor swollen feet. Tammy had to see the Dr. Sun. morning to not only have her blisters opened up, but to have her feet wrapped so she could finish the walk. Reminded me of her dancing days when we had to wrap her feet from the many hours she put in for rehearsals. I was so proud of her, her team, and all of the other walkers, who raised two million dollars that week-end.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Flower Wonderland

Living in the Hill country, one sees so many beautiful scenery's. We have been trying for 5 years to grow Blue Bonnets, Texas state flower, without success. Well, last year we visited the seed farm and bought seeds. The people working there are so helpful and told us how to plant the seeds in the fall. You don't cover them with dirt, but push the seeds in a little bit in the ground and then really water them for weeks if no rain. Well, the Good Lord blessed us this year with ample rain fall and thus our yard is a wonderland of flowers. My Red Bud trees looked amazing.

The red Bonnets are actually named A@M bonnets as they are the maroon color that A@M has. I have several of them growing. You have to keep the bluebonnets separate from the maroon ones, as in cross pollination they will turn out a funky blue red.

These purple wild flowers grow every where in our yard. They must know how much I like purple. I will not let Tom mow them as this sight is amazing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Holy Crap

Fun at the lake never ends!! After Tom and I went shopping today, we pulled up to our garage to unload groceries. I had carried some in, when Tom came running in with the dogs yelling"Snake in the yard". I grabbed the camera and ran out the back door. Tom is standing on the bench with a hoe trying to get to the snake. Oh my gosh it was a diamond back rattler. I do not know how he did not step on it. He hit it three times and the thing raided its ugly head and showed its fangs. I guess we disturbed him from sunning. I know living at the lake we will see snakes, scorpins, and trantulas, but this is the first time since living here, 5 years, that we actully had a rattler in our yard. Scary huh!!

Look how big this thing is!! Do not think it is a baby. So glad Tom found this and not one of the Grandkids.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Grand-dog

Here is my famous Grand-dog, Gizmo. Isn't he just the cutest thing you ever saw?? Still do not know how Tammy got him to pose like that. So glad we got to spend our Easter with him and the rest of the family.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cade's Hermit Crab

When going to the mall today, I found the perfect gift for Cade. It requires little care and can be fun to enjoy, a Hermit Crab. I did get Mama's O.K. before I bought two of them for him.

I give you Goldie and Webbie

Can you believe that they even come with instructions on how to care, feed and bathe them??? One does need to bathe them once a week, feed them every other day,and we had to buy extra shells for them to move into when they get big. They are a perfect gift for all those who need a pet that does not smell, are easy to care for, and fun to watch crawl around.

Cade and Easter Bunny

Here is a beautiful picture of one of my Grandsons , Cade, and the Easter Bunny. Loved it so much I wanted to share it with all of you.